In light of the Leadfoot race being cancelled, there are a bunch of us that still want to race so we are putting on the event locally. It seems like there are a lot of people who want to race too. Any questions regarding the race should be posted here in this thread.
The plan is to keep the rules and everything the same as the LF rules. There will be some unlimited bikes, modifieds, and stockers.
Race will be held in Walpole, MA
IDK if we want to start a list? Put your name down if you will be attending?
1. Ddelpha
2. Bob Simon
3. massacre
4. Trinik
5. Quik01ss
Thanks guys for your support!
Any questions regarding this race should be asked here in this thread, and should be directed to OldMiniBikes member "Ddelpha". He does not have enough posts to start a thread so I started it to him lol.
In light of the Leadfoot race being cancelled, there are a bunch of us that still want to race so we are putting on the event locally. It seems like there are a lot of people who want to race too. Any questions regarding the race should be posted here in this thread.
The plan is to keep the rules and everything the same as the LF rules. There will be some unlimited bikes, modifieds, and stockers.
Race will be held in Walpole, MA
IDK if we want to start a list? Put your name down if you will be attending?
1. Ddelpha
2. Bob Simon
3. massacre
4. Trinik
5. Quik01ss
Thanks guys for your support!
Any questions regarding this race should be asked here in this thread, and should be directed to OldMiniBikes member "Ddelpha". He does not have enough posts to start a thread so I started it to him lol.