Mini Bike Death in Detroit .... Poll, Whos responsible?

Recent Detroit Mini Bike Death, Who is at Fault? Anonymous Voting.

  • The Police

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Rider

    Votes: 35 87.5%
  • Both

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Would like to see the tape first. Of course the kid should not have been racing in the streets at 9pm, but the story I read said the officers involved were trainees, that's concerning if true. Truth is if he stays home he stays alive but could the pursuit been done better? It,s sad 14 is a bad age for boys. 4 years from 18 and 4 from being 10 it,s when they start becoming s-heads you wish you could discipline them the way you were but times change and it's illegal now. I do sympathize with the family. Yes it's his fault. But if I was his parents I would want to see the tape and how the chase was handled. The cutting off of lights and pursuit seconds from chasing him into intersection does not sound right.
Instead of trying to lay blame and at this point it does nothing to help by pointing fingers lets take a moment and think about the loss some family has suffered.

When ever you point a finger three more point back at you.

Now in the name of good taste and respect we should do and say the things we would want to have said if it was one of our own.
No lights,one,not a legal motorcycle,two,running from the police,running a stop sign ..Cops doing their job. Sorry for the family,but play the game,your gonna pay,one way or the other.
It wouldn't have been one of mine ,(kids ) sorry , you can't sugar coat the actions of an unraised thug outta the hood ! I truly feel for the boys family and it's a damn tragic shame but at 14 you should have more sense , act a Fool , expect very similar results period !!
Anonymous Voting meh whatever.
those cops had no idea what that kid was up to,he coulda had a gun,bags of crack,he coulda been drunk
it doesnt Matter because hey the kid ran and didnt stop,no helmet no lights.
its what cops do its their Job to enforce the law.

i agree about the parents as well,how he got the mini and was riding it should be looked into.

also,theres a huge atv movement in the big cities now,theres Gangs of atvs and the police really cant get them all.....


The rider was at fault.Also I think the parents should be held somewhat accountable.
The parents should be held totally responsible for not enough heat in the seat for the kid to behave with some sense. He should have been taught to respect authority and if he had he would have stopped for the police so none of this would have happened.

Just my opinion. I had a father that would beat you just because he thought you needed it. So you thought about what you were about to do before you did it. Didn't hurt me in the long run. Hurt like a .... well some of you understand...
better kids who else did dumb stuff on their mini bike?

rode after dark on the
rode in the rain on the
rode in the snow on the
rode after drinking a mickeys large mouth tho)
ran from the cops on the
did doughnuts on someones
did their paper route on a
rode it to school and hid it in the bushes
snuck out after hours to go pick up girls with mini bike till the sun came

we all do dumb things at one point...and yes I got my ass beat by my Mom and Im glad I did!

RIP little kid!!
better kids who else did dumb stuff on their mini bike?

rode after dark on the
rode in the rain on the
rode in the snow on the
rode after drinking a mickeys large mouth tho)
ran from the cops on the
did doughnuts on someones
did their paper route on a
rode it to school and hid it in the bushes
snuck out after hours to go pick up girls with mini bike till the sun came

we all do dumb things at one point...and yes I got my ass beat by my Mom and Im glad I did!

RIP little kid!!
And if you would have died who's fault would it have been? Yours.

That being said I hit a solid 5 of 9 on your bullet list. 1,2,3,6 &7 ... I would have easily done 8&9 if the opportunity arose!
I never drank (still don't) and never ran from the cops ...

And from that point of view RIP Trent ....
I was driving through my neighborhood last night in the dark and just barely saw a kid coming from the opposite direction on an all-black minibike. No lights, no reflectors, wearing a black shirt. He was practically invisible. Had I not seen him at the last minute, I would have turned right in front of him onto my street. I bet I would have been found at fault, despite his stupidity.
I can see the reason for this to happen. There is just not any place to safely and legally ride in or near major metropolitan areas. The parents do bear some responsibility in this, from teaching respect for law enforcement to allowing their kids to do this illegal activity in the first place.
And if you would have died who's fault would it have been? Yours.

That being said I hit a solid 5 of 9 on your bullet list. 1,2,3,6 &7 ... I would have easily done 8&9 if the opportunity arose!
I never drank (still don't) and never ran from the cops ...

And from that point of view RIP Trent ....

Yes it would have been my fault...and when I get a lawn job...I will laugh and say..yup I had it coming..
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I can see the reason for this to happen. There is just not any place to safely and legally ride in or near major metropolitan areas.
Bingo! I have to sneak onto the jogging trails around a lake near my house after 11pm, it's terribly inconvenient [emoji1] , especially when I come face to face in the dark with a raccoon or skunk. Scares the crap out of me, [emoji1] . Sometimes I hit the streets late at night, just like the idiot kid I nearly ran over yesterday, only my bike has lights and reflectors. Still illegal and stupid of me.

I live in a large metro area and there is only 1 legal publicly accessible place to ride within a 50 mile radius. Thank goodness I have a huge back yard, but you can only go in circles for so long.
Kinda looks unanimous as far as the poll but of course it's not over. A tragic event regardless, I'm glad my kids have a gated and fenced yard to play inside and a field next door to ride their minibikes. I have always supervised my riders, we have friends and family riding over here and everyone wears safety gear or they do not ride and nobody ride after dark since the track has not been groomed in years now and it's rutty. Smart people raise smart kids, then there are those OTHER folks.
I live in a city surrounded by suburbs that I ride in, often with a few other people.
It's not legal but no one seems to mind and the few times the police have spotted us they didn't pursue us, they just kept going.
I think we don't get noticed mostly because of mopeds, there are many on the streets but also because we are adults and it helps not to go to the same neighborhood every weekend.

Our favorite place to ride is where we grew up, in a somewhat run-down part of town. Lots of people sitting on porches in warm weather, we waive, they wave back. When we stop sometimes people stop to talk about our bikes. All in all a friendly place! We are just passing entertainment for them.

If the police want our attention we will stop!


Active Member
Yeah fukc cops for doing their jobs? If this kid hit a pregnant lady would it be the lady's fault for crossing the street? Traffic lights are around for a reason if you don't have enough brains to stop at a red light then you might get hit by a vehicle and die. I'm no angel but Iv survived this long. Under 18 parents responsibility.

Does anyone know the name of the person he hit the real victim?


Active Member
First and for most he should not have been driving on the street in any city! Obey the law and stay alive and the cop said he was driving way to fast. So the odds are it was not a stock little mini. And the kid was 14 so how long had he been driving this bike? Who knows how well he could drive? I grew up in the country we had stock 3hp to 5hp minis we could drive in fields or gravel roads. I bought a brand new Mike Bike road it every where. So the driver is the one who can drive it where it should be or where it should not be!