OldMiniBikes Vintage Mini Bike Calendar and Modified Mini Bike Calendar Picture Request

Hi, my name is Eric. I am the artist/ graphic designer for OldMiniBikes Warehouse. I am putting together 2 different calendars for the company. One theme will be vintage mini bikes and one will be modified mini bikes. I need HIGH RESOLUTION pictures for these calendars. If you would like to have an opportunity to have your photo published in our 2017 calendar, please post your high resolution pics on this thread. If we use your picture, you will receive a free calendar and a gift certificate that can be used either in our store or on our website Mini Bike | Go Kart | Lawn Mower | Small Engine - Parts


*You must have exclusive rights to these images. They cannot be pictures of other peoples property. If your picture is used, we will send you a basic release form to use your image that you must sign off of before we will use it in our calendar.