I figured out a quick, easy way to remove powder coating, kinda accidentally. Most powder coat is polyester and is impervious to gasoline and other solvents, and it is sorta soft and sanding and blasting won't cut it very fast like it does on paint. But it can be dissolved by acetone and and carburetor cleaner. Acetone will work, but it evaporates too quick to fully saturate the coating in one application. Carb cleaner on the other hand, doesn't evaporate quite as quick, but still has the same problem. I found that if you wrap the part in a rag, then completely saturate it with carb cleaner. Then put the whole thing inside a plastic grocery bag and wrap it tight, that keeps it from evaporating. Let it set for about 20 min. Unwrap it, and hit it with a wire brush, the coating just rolls off like peeling an onion. :thumbsup: