Slogans / Logo

Looks good Jeff.

Lately it's been pretty hectic for me, which is why I haven't been on the site. While traveling two of my laptops, passport,etc were stolen. So my internet access has been pretty limited...

I'll be back in full effect when I arrive back in the states and my new computer is waiting for me. April 2-3rd I believe...

So, that's when I need to get back into talks with designers and such so we can get a kick ass logo, and we can vote on one slogan, go for a few, whatever...

This site does accept donations, however, those donations will be used ONLY for t-shirts, stickers, and anything else to benefit the members directly. I have no interest in taking your money and using it for something personal. I've already paid the money months ago for all of the software, and the monthly fees are minimal. So... if you donate, you will be donating to the t-shirt/sticker fund. These will be free to people who have lets say over 50 or 75 posts or so... i haven't figured out the details on that part yet,

but i would like to have some shirts and stickers printed up in time for Windber.

So, since I'm not "full time" right now, if you have something important to say, site problem, etc please PM or e-mail me using the contact form. I can't keep up with all of the threads right now...

Talk to you guys soon.