Jeff Clark and his powell (he rode this bike EVERYWHERE!)
Small Bore and double trouble (our Chef)
GBones (our long distance prize winner!) and the Evil ones stalker
George#3 and his Powell
Steve Durham
Bayareaburrito and his Powell( with scottesy? help me!)
JamesC and his Powell
Guardrail Dave and his chopper
Edwin and his world famous chopper
Susie Edwins wife.
Taco Bill
Eliminator Alex
Eliminators brother Danny
Paul and the Torque Mule! (See that camera behind you Paul?!)
Help Me! (George#3's friend, Steve?) With James C's son in the back ground
Toy car Tony (what do you mean? "sorry you missed it")
DWP DAN! (The SOB on OldMiniBikes)
QuickDraw "JIM" Mcgraw