SoCal FunDay #2 - Sunday Sept. 25th

Just dropped GBONES off at the airport, he crazy glued his pants to the seat of my car !:shrug: Just joking !:laugh:
Thanks to all who attended !:thumbsup:
speaking of G bones.

hey kustomkart kid, as per your

and oh yeah great job with the pics Neck....

and speaking of Neck...

Bayareaburrito, i think you have mistaken guardraildave for


New Member
Great job Edwin, I was hoping you shot some video, I laughed till I cried watching your stuff from last year. Thanks to all of ya, never seen so many different bikes and people, that is what makes it so cool to me.
Random pics of:

The band
The Rocket Cycle I picked up from Mac while I was there
The Manco chopper I delivered to Quickdraw (Kenny's old bike) looking out from Paul's shop
The grille and the bounce house
BAB's GoKart Cycle next to Mac's junk
The elusive Hent - who only allows picks of his backside
The elusice George3
The elusive smile from Evil Ed
I'm thinking that Paul's elusive crime scene tape attracted Camarillo's finest