Tecumseh 5HP powersport engine, hard starts

i prime the carb, and go to start it, it will not idle, and only stays running with the throttle on/held open.

the filter was off to get you a visual of the carb.

what would make the engine need the throttle open just to pull enough fuel through to keep it running? the carb is fully cleaned. could it be the governor?

YouTube - Go-kart project
ok so i bought this kart off some1 for $25, and i didn't care too much but then i decided to check the oil and make sure there was actually some in it.
i remove the oil plug and BAM about 90% water, 10% Grey watered down oil.

im flushing it all now, under the side cover there is no rust (thank god) and im gonna keep flushing it. all the friction was probably why it wasn't running right.

wish me luck guys.
Without a doubt you have a lean condition. I doubt a new filter will solve it.
Back out high speed screw (if it has one) 1/8 to 1/4 turn counter-clockwise and re-start.
Looks like a non adjustable carb. There's no choke so these are a pain until they warm up, then you may find it has a surging idle which it the gov pulling back and letting off. (can be re adjusted if you still have the Gov)

Don't know how you are flushing but I would drain and change the oil one more time after driving it around a bit. (30W)

An older adjustable carb should solve your problems.:thumbsup:
Without a doubt you have a lean condition. I doubt a new filter will solve it.
Back out high speed screw (if it has one) 1/8 to 1/4 turn counter-clockwise and re-start.
The filter provides a certain amount of restriction and helps the carb pull fuel out of the idle wells. Very similar to choking the carb.
Engine should run equally well with or without air cleaner.
Snow blower engines, for the most part, do not use air cleaners and run perfectly well without them. Jet for jet and bolt for bolt...mini bike, gokart, and snow blower Tecumseh (or Briggs) engines are no different from each other.
Engine should run equally well with or without air cleaner.
Snow blower engines, for the most part, do not use air cleaners and run perfectly well without them. Jet for jet and bolt for bolt...mini bike, gokart, and snow blower Tecumseh (or Briggs) engines are no different from each other.
My money says snowblower engines use a different carb than your average HS series engines. I don't know for sure, but an engine that WILL be used in cold temps is bound to be set up differently than the general purpose engines. The air cleaner deal helps prove my point.
Engine should run equally well with or without air cleaner.
Snow blower engines, for the most part, do not use air cleaners and run perfectly well without them. Jet for jet and bolt for bolt...mini bike, gokart, and snow blower Tecumseh (or Briggs) engines are no different from each other.
Tecumseh carbs are all about the same, I've run them for test rides without air cleaners with zero issues.

He needs to clean out the engine and warm it up completely then set his idle speed and go from there.
I have 2 brand new Briggs & Stratton 2 cycle snow blower engines.
Both came without air cleaners but have them now. One on Fox mini, one on yardkart.
Both run equally well at 97° or 12°F without adjustments.
Most flathead carbs are un-affected by the change, I know that there are clone carbs that get really finicky when run without an air cleaner, as well as ATV, and PWC's that get finicky.
i removed my governor and cleaned the inside of the case really well,

but i dont know what to line up on the cam to get the timing back to normal!

its a OHH50 techumseh 5HP motor.

i dont see any markings on the crank and such i dont think.
My money says snowblower engines use a different carb than your average HS series engines. I don't know for sure, but an engine that WILL be used in cold temps is bound to be set up differently than the general purpose engines. The air cleaner deal helps prove my point.
Trust me...you'd lose. Reason for no air cleaner is snow does not carry (or stir up) dust and dirt.
Conditions snow blowers operate under do not dictate the need for filters.