judging from your posts you are frustrated I understand you have a good motor and a good minibike and no way to get the throttle to work relax breathe deep and lt me make this easy for you the first thing you should do is
1.find a return spring with a hook at both ends put one of the ends through one of the holes in the throttle stop plate then pull the spring in whatever direction is nesissary to return the throttle to idle then hook the other end of the spring around a bolt or through a hole if yo cant find anything to attach it to then you must make a bracket with a hole in it to attach your return spring once you have a goo throttle return and only then should you move on to the next step
2.I am going to assume you have a twist throttle and a cable on your bike
now you need to get a cable clamp and clamp the cable housing (the outside) to the engine alot of people clamp it to the blower housing but if this dosent give you the correct angle to pull the throttle open you can mount a bracket to the engine that will give you a better angle
once this is complete move on to step 3
3. at this point you need to find another hole on the throttle stop plate to put the inner part of the cable through if you cant find a good hole you may want to drill one . once you thread the cable through slide a cable stop on to the end of the cable and tighten it down. any adjustments that need to be made can be made with the cable stop and or the cable clamp
their is no simple answer for throttle hookups you just have to be a little crafty
if you need throttle parts everything you need is here