We have kids on here, as well as younger men with very little experience in mechanics.
Today most of our city is involved with a fund raiser to support an individual working at a large tire shop who had one explode in his face on May 16th. They landed a helo at the shop and flew him to Phoenix- the damage to his face was that bad.
Everyone who has read my posts over the years knows I am not a safety freak. I don't post about eye protection, helmets, or condoms.
However, anyone attempting to separate an unsecured a split rim wheel using air pressure is putting themselves at risk of eating a wheel half, or pieces of a wheel half, or rubber to the point where they require a medevac out of their back yard, several years of facial reconstruction surgery, and permanent disability and disfigurement. (If it doesn't kill them)
This includes over inflating ANY tire.
Please, do not do this, and if you do, do not talk about it. I fully realize some of us live dangerously, and have a clue as to how much air we're using, pop-offs in place, cages, etc.