Tri-Sport RAT PACK

As you know all my best stories start with ( A long time ago ) So this is just another adventure, My 93 year old mother is selling her home so she has been going through lots of stuff to get rid of her large amount of paper works. A couple of months back she gave me a folder from 1971 with all the papers from the buying of D&D Mini Cycle.
Well on my last visit she gave me a tightly rolled up paper poster that I don't remember ever seeing. So I went through a process
to re-hydro the paper and relax the grip so the paper would not rip or tare.
The process worked so I spread the 24 X 36 inch poster out and thumb tacked it to a big piece of cardboard.
The picture is all about Tri-Sport Trikes and What I think was a campout on El Mirage Dry Lake a big flat pan open to the public
And used by wind sail trikes, Gyro Copters and all types of race cars, go karts and motorcycles.
We all were members of the ( American Tri-Wheel Racing Association ) They held races and play days all over the desert and we had turnouts of all kinds of trikes up to 75 set up in different classes and all were very well ran. I did my first trike race with them and I was hooked for life.
In the picture below from the left to the right side My partner and Brother in law Danny Daniels and his ride was a RTS-8 and then Doug Watson and his trike is the TS 290 with a single JLO engine and on the next trike is Me No glasses, no beard, no white hair. and my trike was Killer my 440CC Kohler RTS Tri-Sport the 4th triker is Wayne Coppers and his RTS MAC and the last triker is I don't remember who it was. I showed the poster to KKK and he said that I might look into the cost of having the poster reprinted I have family who would like copies.
I hope you can get from this how much fun the triking was when we still had some freedom to use our open land before all the now in place restriction.
Steve :scooter:

Awesome story and pics Steve. Although I was just a kid back in the 70's and early 80's, looking back, everything seemed so much more relaxed and laid back in those days compared to now. You could actually go outside and have fun, ride motorcycles, mini bikes and go karts etc.. pretty much anywhere without worry of regulations and complaints.
