We need more Supporting Members!

That just happened I noticed a couple PM's and got the message looks like its time to pay it forward.

Thanks...you know who you are:thumbsup:
Thanks for the reminder, I just joined. I sure as hell get more than $25 worth of advice and knowledge off this site in a year. I've bought 2 mini bikes from members here since September. I've made a few orders from OldMiniBikes Warehouse too. It's a great resource for this hobby and it's worth it for the laughs alone if nothing else. :thumbsup:
Sorry Korndog.

As stated before, Paypal keeps screwing around with the "IPN" system... which does not allow the forum to automatically "upgrade" your account.

Good to go now. :thumbsup:
Well, I'm pretty new here. I'm quite certain I can "forget it" when it comes to ever being sponsored by anyone on here. By the time I get to be a Senior member, ya'll will know me too good to want to spend any money on me. Guess I'll go to town tomorrow and pick up a money order and send it in. I can't use PayPal or a check. If I do, SWMBO would know about it. And, every married "male" person knows that $25 could be better spent on jewelry, ladies shoes, or a new dress. Or... is it just that way at my house- since I'm a big wimp. Us house-husbands are taken for granted and don't get much respect. Anyway, come tomorrow, the "check's in the mail". Tim.
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