Well Worn Bug

I have been looking for a dirt bug to build for my nieces as a X mass gift , and found one today .
Its too late for a rebuild , so I guess it will be an easter present LOL.
Its not in to bad a shape lol, 2 flat tires , ripped seat , engine dead, pullstart cord ripped out , brakes worn out.
The kid I got it from was told by an unknow source that the motor was`
not worth fixing.

Well an hour of tinkering and the little beast purrsss like a kitten , the problem was all in the spark plug cap!!
I have heard people on this site bash the stock 2.8 hp , but this little engine
runs better than most of my others , I can set the idle speed so low that it sound so cool like you can hear every one of the 4 cycles LOL and the throttle response is instant , should be perfect for a 10 and 12 year old girls.

Now after the holidays I can strip it and paint it , I am thinking of doing it
A Real Tree camo bike would be even cooler for us guys, but pink camo is a great idea for your neice. Yep, I have also found those little 2.8hp motors to run pretty good once you fix a few minor things and set it rght. Perfect for younger kid riders. :thumbsup: Rob I bet you will be the uncle on the year. :thumbsup:
I am thiking that I will have to find 3 progressivly darket shades of pink , starting with the lightest color as a base , masking off what I want to keep light pink then masking layers 1 and 2 using the darkest last.Then finally a clear coat .
I will need to find some cool vinyl for the seat.