What Are The Most Valuable And Desirable Mini's ?

Tote Gote gets my vote for best all-around minibike...they're perfect for trail riding, and since most minibikes aren't street legal, that's where I like to ride.


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hey tomsprops...let me know when you orange tree is ripe and starts:bowdown: dropping minibikes......i hope it drops the flexo frame i ive been:sleep1: dreaming about since we last spoke...:angry::mad2: for my mac 100........:thefinger:


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also california is not the only place to find minibikes.....if you serch craigs list in off states like W.I. MISSIP...P.A ..you will find awesome deals..on the week end i found a mint SAVAGE minbike complete and original for $100. i serched Virgina and looked at the other towns...bam 5 original minibke ...lil indians...go kart cycle (fox style) with the single bar upright...and a cherry minibke i have never seen...bought that one for $120 and the guy charged me $39 to ship to california....so there still out there toms props and enjuntom to dont have them all yet.............. P.S if your going to TURLOCK SWAP MEET THIS WEEK END its the badest place to find minis like the TACO 55... BE-WEAR THOE ENJUN TOM WILL BE HUNTING.....AND HE KNOWS HIS SH$T AND IS A PRO AT FINDING THEM IN PEOPLES TRAILERS BEFOR UNLOADING!!!!! NO JOKE!!!!!:thefinger:


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joshua. c.

Well-Known Member
i cant believe nobody sed this one yet but the most desired and valuable bike are Rupp Roadsters, Roadster 2's and Black Widdows. they go for well over 1000$ restored and the roadsters were street legal from the factory. (not shure about the black widdow) some people even make a living at selling parts for them. (black widdow mororsports for example.) also in my opinion they are some of the best looking mini bikes ever made.
Slave, With the possible exception of which one is the rarest; your questions cannot be answered because they are subjective and the answers will depend solely on the perspective of the individuals you're asking. Consequently, if you ask an infinite number of people you will get an infinite number of answers. In the end you won't know any more than you did when you first posed the questions. Ogy
i cant believe nobody sed this one yet but the most desired and valuable bike are Rupp Roadsters, Roadster 2's and Black Widdows. they go for well over 1000$ restored and the roadsters were street legal from the factory. (not shure about the black widdow) some people even make a living at selling parts for them. (black widdow mororsports for example.) also in my opinion they are some of the best looking mini bikes ever made.
Well those are classified as minicycles actually and are rare and desirable to many but not as rare as you think. We have plenty of Rupp fans here even many Rupp minibikes classified as minibikes by wheel size are not that rare and desirable minibike by any stretch of the imagination but there are a couple of exceptions that bring good $ still.

Now your Savage, Go-Kart Cycles, Greenhorn Enduros, Flexos, Capers etc are truly rare. Hell the Micro Cycle made in Tulsa Oklahoma is ultra rare, I've seen two and I live in OKC and have run an ad here and Tulsa CL searching for one for years with no luck when I had a grand to blow and now I just have the $ ready for one to pop up but I wont hold my breath.

However Rupp Dart Cycles are as or more rare than Black Widows and some of the above mentioned rare minis by a long shot if you want to talk Rupps. The Dart Cycle is on many of our bucket lists including mine, I ain't holdin' my breath on that one either.:laugh:


Active Member
Slave, With the possible exception of which one is the rarest; your questions cannot be answered because they are subjective and the answers will depend solely on the perspective of the individuals you're asking. Consequently, if you ask an infinite number of people you will get an infinite number of answers. In the end you won't know any more than you did when you first posed the questions. Ogy
This is the best answer to a very old post. My question is did he find what he is looking for?


Well-Known Member
My favorite "old school" American minibike is the Ruttman Spyder. One of the best-looking minis ever made IMO. They seem to sell for a little more than most of their peers do too which is a good gauge of their desirability. I don't know if I would call it the "holy grail" but it was the one I wanted the most as an adult collector.


Well-Known Member
A fairly-rare (2 yr. only) and one of the most sought-after minibikes of all time. The first models were powered by a 50cc 2-stroke and the later models had a 4-stroke engine like this one.


Here's a decent example on eBay that you don't see too often (no affiliation). People pay some big bucks for these. They sure are one of the best-looking minibikes ever made. I wouldn't mind having one. I wonder how much it will go for?

I want them all. Well not really ALL of them, but I really like the most of the old ones. The Sears bikes and Wards bikes are the most comfy to ride.
I really like the Simplex Sportsman. Not too common and really cool looking. Heres an all original one (not mine):

Ilove it so much :scooter: