What is a "Supreme" Coleman CT200?

He doesn't have any listed now. But, if you go to Ebay and do an advanced search of closed auctions and use the words "coleman ct200 supreme" you can see where they were listed for $8K, $5k, and $1.7K. Says they are preorders with buy it now. Seller was in CA.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 of these Coleman's bought at discounted prices. There is nothing supreme about them. lol. They are ok, but if you buy one, make sure you get it for $299 or less. Just my opinion.
Reminds me of the discontinued dandelion crayon by Crayola. Some schmuck was asking 5k for one, but other sellers all around him were at like 4 clams. Or a whole box of 36 for 50 bucks. Lol
What is a "Supreme" Coleman CT200?

I emailed the seller and just got some BS answer. I think it's just an Ebay scam seller to see if anyone is dumb enough to buy.
Exactly! The moron slaps some 'Supreme" stickers on a stock CT200U and then advertises it, hoping a sucker will come along. I also contacted the seller about it and got a similar BS response. What a jerk!
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