Am I right in saying that Kelch made most of these? Someone told me once that you can send them back to Kelch to have lenses replaced or have them repaired, but I think that would be crazy expensive, if even possible.
I'm tempted to keep one of them to see if I can modify it or use it for parts. One of my original Arctic Cat caps lost its wire, cork, and indicator 30 years ago when I was a stupid teenager and I broke it off.
It looks like the cage ends is just spot welded to the metal underside of the cap. Any idea how to repair that without damaging the dial? These things don't come apart from what I have seen. Unfortunately all of mine are clouded, discolored, or dirty inside.
Anyone ever take one apart? Anyone ever replaced the wire cage? Shortening would be easy but reattaching to the cap???? JB Weld? Other ideas? Not sure how I would weld it without heat damage.