Ever since OldMiniBikes first came on-line I have been logging in three to five time a day looking for someone restoring, refinishing, or just plain working on a Fox Campus Bike. I'm not talking about; yeah, I got one in the shed, or I got one I'm gonna start working on when I get time, or I know a guy who knew a guy who had one once. I'm talking about someone who is currently in the process of and actively working on a Fox Campus Bike restoration. Everyday I log onto OldMiniBikes and see all kinds of names, questions, and pictures of minibikes that many of have never even heard of. But never the Fox Campus! I know that they are out there because every once in a while one will come up on e-bay or Craig's List. But you never hear of anyone working on or restoring one. This has me completely puzzled. Do any of you guys have thoughts on this? And more importantly; Is there anyone out there currently working on restoring a Fox Campus Bike? I would really like to exchange ideas, thoughts, progress reports, restoration tips, parts sources, and the like.....I hate to admit it but I'm beginning to understand how the Maytag repairman feels....Ogy.