Which Briggs Quantum engine for my pressure washer?

Any vertical shaft experts on here? I'm building a pressure washer.

I have two, good running, Briggs & Stratton Quantum vertical shaft pressure washer engines and I'd like to use the better of the two but I'm not sure which that is.

Engine 1: Model 12H802-2349-E1
1998 model year
6.0 HORSEPOWER, no TORQUE number

Engine 2: Model 126T02-1044-E1
2007 model year
6.75 TORQUE, no HORSEPOWER number
190 cc

I realize they are both the same cubic inch displacement (12) and same basic family of engine (L-head Quantum) but one is rated in HP and the other in TQ so I'm not sure if one has a higher output spec than the other or if they are 100% identical.

They both have the same carburetor setup (non-adjustable "emissions" carb, with choke, and w/o primer), same shaft diameter and length, etc. I assume neither have cast iron cylinder bores because that's usually advertised on the stickers.

Any ideas? Or are they actually identical?
Here are some pics. Sorry for the lighting/angles - everything is in my basement for the winter.

1998 12H802

This is the original plastic decorative cover from the top - I had bought different plastics for the top to make it look more utilitarian.

2007 126T02

The 1998 engine looks better because I have already cleaned and painted it, and installed new plastics. If the 2007 engine is actually rated for more power, it will get the same treatment and I'll sell the 1998 one.

Either way, whichever engine I use is going on the better (diamond plate) cart. I have a brand new Annovi Reverberi 2800 PSI pump, Annovi Reverberi gun/lance and nozzles, and generic American made hose ready to go. All I need now is all the quick-connects and I'll have a pretty nice unit.
I think the torque number on the 07 model actually means HP. Although if it was me I'd go for the 98 one because they were made far better back then and more reliable. Your call tbh
Except HP torque. They are different factors and measured under different conditions.

Briggs & Stratton currently rates horsepower at 3060 RPM and torque at 2600.

The engines are mechanically similar but the 1998 one was produced before they switched to the "600 series" naming convention and dropped the HP rating from the specs.

I know the general rule is "older is better/more reliable" but I really can't imagine a huge difference between 1998 and 2007 right? They are both "Made in USA" engines.


Active Member
Its mostly marketing, they are the same. they were overrating the engines horsepower and got busted. 6.5hp and under had less stringent emissions standards so there was some rigging.
Sounds good. I also remembered there is another one of these sitting in my parents' shed but it has 6.25 on the label. Their push mower is 6.25 also, while my push mower is 6.75. But all of these engines would really be the same? What is the point in having so many different labels/models?

As long as the 2007 isn't more powerful, I think I am going to use the 1998 engine for this project. Overall it's cleaner and I've already done the prep work to it.