Recent content by FanticMan

  1. F

    What is it? - Minibike modified with John Deere paint scheme

    Thanks for the heads up on the safety issues. The Honda motor is a 5.5hp unit so I'll need to be careful. I have not ridden it yet. When you say auxillary brake system, do you mean disk brakes? What kind of system would you normally add?
  2. F

    What is it? - Minibike modified with John Deere paint scheme

    Right on both accounts. Impressive. Yes, that is my '61 VW singlecab. Thank you very much. Here's another Bird Wren from the gallery:
  3. F

    What is it? - Minibike modified with John Deere paint scheme

    Hey all, What type of minibike is this? The motor is Honda and the paint scheme is a custom job by the guy I bought it from. That's all I know. Thanks.
  4. photo30


    Unknown minibike. PO painted it with a John Deere scheme. This photo is for the what is it thread.
  5. F

    Comment by 'FanticMan' in media 'Fantic Motor neck mount'

    Looks like you have a Fantic/Broncco TX 4 - COLT. Check out this site for more info and photos: