Recent content by Silent H

  1. Silent H

    Finally making progress on the Fox Doodlebug

    LOL. Your sooo coming home with more mini's then you left with... I'll take the seats out of my van so you can throw them in my ride if you need the room...
  2. Silent H

    Finally making progress on the Fox Doodlebug

    lookin good steve, you've been kickin' that frame around your garage forever now. Good to see you are almost done with it.
  3. Silent H

    TORO Minibike?

    Wow do those pictures bring back some memories. LOL. My parents had one like those pictured above, for years. One night my mom decided she was going to snowblow the driveway since my dad was working late. She was in the garage and she had a hell of a time getting it started, and when she...
  4. Silent H

    Lacquer Thinner OK ??

    im probably going to get some heat for this, but I have painted many a bicycle parts, including frames, forks and wheels, with rattle can and used brake cleaner if it was on bare metal without a single problem. When I painted my bird frame last summer I used dish soap and water. Worked...
  5. Silent H

    Help me figure out my clutch/sprocket/gearing issue...

    the clutch shouldn't engage like your "dumping" the clutch on a manual transmission car. It should gradually engage and start to propel the bike forward, I would look at the clutch first. Although I will say I am unfamiliar with jackshafts and how they effect take-off, im guessing something is...
  6. Silent H

    TORO Minibike?

    LOL I had that same idea the other day when I was working at a menards store. They had some "previously used" snowblowers for real cheap. Were talking 350-450 dollar single stagers for 125-150. There was one sitting there that had a sign staiting: "$50, for Parts." The only thing I could see...
  7. Silent H

    pep boys chinese motors

    I kick myself for not getting into my Pepboys, (basically at the end of my road) and snapping something more that brake-cleaner up when the store was having its "going out of business sale". Everything was 30% off or more, could have gotten a good deal on a motor...
  8. Silent H

    Mini bike spec sheets

    Wow some of those 2 strokes were nasty. 10hp on 100ci oh yeah...
  9. Silent H

    throttle hook up on old 3hp briggs?

    this is what I used on an older 5hp briggs, I can get you a pic later of a 2hp briggs throttle hook up too that would be a little more specific. The part that connects the throttle wire to the throttle is a fisheye electrical connector and some very small nuts and bolt with washers. I have...
  10. Silent H

    riding lawnmower please help

    When I was in junior high I took a summer class at a tech center on small engines. Pretty basic stuff but one of the days we watched a movie a guy had made himself about turning a riding mower into a go-kart. The big part of his video was him flipping the chassis and making it an underslung...
  11. Silent H

    Tecumseh parts compatibility Q's?

    not sure I haven't torn the V70 apart yet. Im not going to bother with any machine work if it needs it, I was just wondering if it was an easily doable thing.
  12. Silent H

    Tecumseh parts compatibility Q's?

    Hey guys I got a quick question. I have an older Tec H60 that has chewed up teeth on the cam and crankshaft rendering it junk but the rest of the motor is great. I also have a V70 Tec with a burned up piston. My question is can I take the cam and crank out of the V70 and put it in the H60...
  13. Silent H

    riding lawnmower please help

    I had one for 5 or 6 years without any problems, just dont be stupid with it. I knew it was top heavy and didn't take sharp turns because of it. Still fun and like I said never had any problems with my international harvester, granted it was a rear engine mower but still the same principle...
  14. Silent H

    registering mini bikes

    Yup you got nothin. Just like posted above theres really nothing you can do. I live in a crowded suburb just outside the city and ride mine around quite a bit, just not too much as cops DO come by, mostly to use my culdasac as a cut through to to the main road, but hey, whatever...
  15. Silent H

    What is your profession?

    LOL my companies main office is in the Playboy building in downtown Chicago, does that count?