6.5 harborfreight honda close? fast?


New Member
how well will a honda close 6.5 with a torque conv clutch move a doodle bug out with a 200lb guy on it??? and what sprocket ratios teeths would you use for speed and wheel pullin launch's? my boys decided on mini trail bikes so i found them 2 lil ol honda 50 trail bikes, im building the doodle for a alley bike, would love ideas from the pros.
how well will a honda close 6.5 with a torque conv clutch move a doodle bug out with a 200lb guy on it??? and what sprocket ratios teeths would you use for speed and wheel pullin launch's? my boys decided on mini trail bikes so i found them 2 lil ol honda 50 trail bikes, im building the doodle for a alley bike, would love ideas from the pros.
Now your on the right track, i have a harbor frt clone in my chopper, i removed the governor, added some used 26lb springs and aluminum retainers i had, a stock animal intake manifold, and a 22mm mikuni slide carb, and some 1.2 rockers. i am 285lbs, and it pulls pretty good, i also have a 2spd on it though, never messed with a torque converter. its a heavy bike, with a heavy rider, kicks butt though. View attachment 2089

I built the whole bike from scratch, someday a V-twin Briggs in it.
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yesterday i put a bike together with a 6.5 clone with 1.2 ratio rockers. it accelerates real fast with a 5.2 gear ratio. i have a 62 sprocket in the back and a 12 clutch sprocket. it has a top speed of 30-35mph, iam sure that gear ratio is high enough to accelerate any body.