Mostly anything really small is a higher price due to the precision required to make the smaller turbos.
The RHB3 turnned out to be a good fit too, we actually mounted it to its own test fixture and made our own flow chart. It would kickin around 3500-4200 rpm if I remember right which is decent for a 8500rpm redline. I still need to finish mounting that to my kart. I bought a ton of new parts and then got distracted by my car.
And ya I agree those videos of huge turbos on a 2hp motor really tick me off, its so pointless and they think its so cool. Mostly cause videos like that detract from watching mine haha
just remember this is going to cost you at least 1000 dollars.......and it all depends on having the right turbo
Oh also, OHV is better for turbos I just had more experience with the 5hp flatty and its cheaper to rebuild in case you blow something. With the amount of parts you can get for it you can build a real sick motor. Shelbyclone had the right idea though, use a larger motor, you get more power and its easier and cheaper to find a turbo to fit it.