Arco Lime Green Paint Color/Code

I have an old Arco minibike that was originally a lime green color. Does anybody have a paint code for the original color, or a standard car color that matches?

I'd say sublime is very close. Do you need a picture?
A picture would not be good enough to come up with a match. Maybe someone can loan me an original piece so I can come up with a color?? Of course I would pay shipping to me and back to you. I have a UPS account and they come to my company every day.

I have an old Arco minibike that was originally a lime green color. Does anybody have a paint code for the original color, or a standard car color that matches?

1970 AMC Big Bad Green. Look up the 2014 arco raffle bike thread I did for the 2014 Windber show. It is a little bit closer than the sub lime Chrysler used.
I have a touch of that color on the wheels on my Arco so I suspect it was that color originally, should I ever get to the bike I may find out after stripping the many coats of black on it.