clones again

so iam in the market for 2 new motors and how can i not look at the clones for 200 bucks i can get a brand new intek 5.5hp i already had this motor paid 20 bucks for it and traded it off but man was it full of power do the clones have the same kinda power? are the honda or briggs clones better parts wise? iam not looking to taking the governor off iam not looking for alot of speed 30mph is gonna be fine but iam looking for torque
never rode mine that long i have been pounding on it for a while know but i have an arc rod and homda valves and springs and change oil every time i ride
Briggs & Stratton Intek 5.5...$219.95 full retail...comes with a one year warranty, complete parts availability, and peace of mind knowing you helped support the economy of your country, helped save a job for an American worker, and bought a quality product from a company that has invested millions to insure it's engines meet the needs of it's customers...and they've been doing it for nearly a century...
One of the reasons times are now hard, is because we buy too many imported goods, and not enough of the products made by our friends and neighbors...

I'll always give the American-made product a look-over before I buy the imported 'knock-off'...

About half the time, I'll go with the more-expensive, but better-made domestic product...

And about half the time when I buy the less-expensive, imported version, I get burned because the quality wasn't really 'looked' good, but doesn't work well...and I end up throwing it away and buying the domestic product that I should have bought in the first place...

Here's an example...

This vertical milling machine with DRO and powerfeed was made in China...the American-made version costs about three times as much, but the quality difference is minimal...


The machine has a genuine KURT brand vise mounted to it that was purchased because the Chinese-made clone wasn't accurate and repeatable at's a $200 boat anchor sitting on the floor behind the mill.