Electric Leaf Blower Supercharger Turbocharger

So, I have seen mixed opinions of how well leaf blowers work as "turbochargers/superchargers". If you look at some of them, they have high speed and decent cfm, 230 mph/380 cfm. I looked at the impeller of one these and the fan looks a lot like a turbo impeller. However, with these leaf blowers, there is a ton of clearance between the blades and the housing. This is why they do not produce must boost. On ebay, I found something that may support what I am thinking:
While this has decent cfm, I believe its producing less than one psi! So essentially, there is a lot of air being blown into the intake, but only a certain amount of that air is being compressed enough to produce boost.
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you're right. i picked up a Nascar brake blower which really puts out, but when you covered the end it would tend to "backflow" out the intake of the fan. With excessive clearance the air naturally take the path of least resistance, which in thia casr was out thru the in door.
What about a vacuum fan. They produce between 90" to 140" of static pressure when running. I don't if you could modify it to use it for a turbo. something to look into. The tolerance are better then a leaf blower for sure.

Oh. I'm not in my office right now but I think 14" equals a pound of pressure, but I'm not sure.

It has to do with alot of things not just the tolerance, those leave blower cfm rates are WAY too high to be used. 150cfm is basically enough for 100hp. Not to mention the cfm rate needs to change as rpm increases.


Well-Known Member
That Paxton industrial blower is for moving lots of air at low pressure like for ventilation. The tag also says the discharge pressure is 20 inches of water. That converts to 0.72psi.

I have a big Rootes type industrial blower for a similar purpose. It's all cast iron and has 3" pipe bungs for inlet/outlet. I found similar blowers that can support ~600cfm and up to around 10-15 psi. Mine is rusty and locked-up, though. Weighs about 50lbs too. :thumbdown:
I am glad my calculation for how much boost that blower would produce were correct!

I would hit your unit with some PB Blaster or some Mystery Marvel oil. I have had good luck with PB. Some people will swear by Mystery! If you dont want it, I can pay for shipping to me! :)