Lil Indian is back on the warpath!


New Member
My project to resurrect the Lil Indian has reached the point of able to be ridden. I finished the initial assembly Sunday morning and my son came over to give it a test ride. After a couple of adjustments it started to run like it did 40 years ago. I will start to take it back apart to paint and polish the parts and hope to have it back and finally assembled by the end of February. The projest can be viewed in my gallery.:scooter:


New Member
It's a 3.5 stocker off an edger that I picked up about 15 years ago. It's in the background of some of the early pictures in my photos. I've got the mini back apart for the final modifications and paint. Shootin' to have it completed by Bike Week.


New Member
Closin' in on Bike Week

The frame is ready for the powder coat and should be done by next weekend. I need to get the engine cleaned up and painted too by then. I'll post pictures of the finished project in a couple of weeks.


New Member
Inching Closer

Our paint department was doing black yesterday and slid the Lil Indian and B&S parts in:thumbsup:. Everything is now powder coated "Biker Black" and loaded in the back of my vehicle. I'll take them up to the barn Saturday and begin to do the final assembly:hack:. With time and good luck I may have some pictures of my progress Monday:clap:.


New Member
Time, we need more time cap'n!

Got everything up to the barn but not enough time to start the assembly except for getting the starter cover rope rewind back together. I did get the engine painted Sunday and took off the head to polish this week. I'm leaving for Bike Week Thursday after work so it will be another week before it gets some attention. I posted a couple of shots of the parts laid out with the new paint shinnin' in my photos


New Member
More Progress

The wheels , fenders and kickstand got mounted last Sunday and I put the engine back together last night. Might get 'er finished this weekend!
Motor Locked & loaded

The engine is back in the mini. The throttle needs to be hooked up and then the old spot brake also is waiting to be figured out and put back on. After that and a trial run I will do the final detail work to call it finished.
Got 'Er Done

Thanks for the compliments. I pretty well got er done this weekend. I still need to get the brakes set up and I'll probably add sone pinstripping sometime down the road but its got a full tank of gas and she's ready to ride
Lil' Indian's First Photo Shoot

I was cleaning out the cabin next to the barn for my brother-in-law to stay in for the wekend and ran into this picture taken in June of '67. It was taken in Dayton, OH at Jim's parent's house where we stayed for the summer and worked construction before returning to college in the fall. I had just assembled the bike from it's kit form and haden't put the fenders on yet. Jim had a neighbor that did body work on the side and he shot it a purplish red coat of R&M laquer that I rubbed out to a high luster. I hope to stage a similar shot soon with the same three chacters but the mini is now black and the two college kids are old:drinkup: