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  • Mac I'm new here and joined today I really need a drum brake drum and band for my Gilsonite MW mini bike project. I IMed you today too. Would you sell me one please. I'm trying to keep her as original as possible. Pete. In Texas
    Hey Mac,

    I was wondering if you still happen to have any peerless differential stuff? I am looking for parts to rebuild the rear end on my alsport trike.

    Why was 3 year Supporting Member Lee BANNED FOR LIFE ?
    We need members with metal working knowledge here.

    I was referred to you about possible getting a Cat Slingshot brake caliper! Would you have one?
    I have a couple Rupp turbine rims, but they are fronts. Haven't had a rear in years. My rupp rims are on my Photobucket album.
    Any of my fiberglass clutch covers are $10.00 each and whatever shipping is. They cost me $10, so the only money I make on them is if I overstate the shipping charges. I generally say PayPal me an even $20 using my email address at PayPal.
    If you don't do PayPal, I take money orders or concealed cash.
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