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  • Part 2:
    Problem is, that's where I managed to quit- 4 years ago. Started drinkin when th girl next door died- that was May, an' by February I was almost dead myself. Ok I'm sober, but for a LONG time, had no motivation. Barely starting to get a urge or two now, once in a while. Hard. Long story
    Hey Britt! What's up there? This is your new friend Uh. Mike really, they just call me Uh cuz every time they turn around I'm saying it again. Uh...
    But'nyhow, I wanted to hear about your motor- get it done yet? Sounds fast! Yeah, I thought I was gonna make something fast, got a 6.5 Honda clone, a veritorque clutch, a candy cane header, axle, wheels, an' some tubing. Made a smaller copy of a Bell roadster front axle, like a Superbell- only not dropped- it's clean, and straight, but no camber. Also, took th flange off th header. I dint like th way th tube dint face straight out of th port. I took a piece of 1'' sq bar I had, and ground it to fit inside th port. In fact I ground
    3'' the same. Then I cut that off, and beat it in to th neck of th header. Next step is to cut a new flange so I can fit it back on motor at th corrected angle. NOW she oughta run!!!
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