Recent content by Danminibike

  1. D

    Manco handel bars

    The bike is a 530 model, I think it was a streaker.
  2. D

    Manco handel bars

    I have a nice manco minibike but handel bars are bent if you have any please let me no. Thanks
  3. D

    cat 250 clutch cover

    I picked up two cat minibikes and both didnt have the clutch covers. I would like to find originals, but even if they make repops i am interested. Thanks
  4. D

    Just wondering what bike I have before I restore it.

    just picked this up this week and I was wondering what it is. I thought ruttman....
  5. 2012-04-15_21_58_24


  6. 2012-04-15_21_52_03


  7. 2012-04-15_21_50_36


  8. D

    got another what is it.

    Thanks again guys.:thumbsup:
  9. D

    Is this a Rupp?

    Well Thank you guys for helping me out. I still got lucky and put a 6.5 horse engine on it and sold it.
  10. D

    got another what is it.

    Here is an old minibike I picked up at a auction. I got it running but still needs some restoring to make original. I want to make it original so any help would be great.
  11. 2012-04-11_13_51_41_1_


  12. D

    Is this a Rupp?

    I have owned this bike for a long time and never done anything with it, except paint and new seat, and other minor things. I can see some rewelds under were the seat is in the back where the frame goes down, but I still dont get why it tilts down in the front. It would have to be were a gas tank...
  13. D

    HEY! Where are all the fords at?

    They are sitting behind my barn ready to scrap lol. Then use the money to buy beter more reliable transportation...... minibike
  14. D

    Is this a Rupp?

    I didnt think so either but it sure is a weird looking minibike.
  15. D

    Is this a Rupp?

    I have searched all over trying to figure out what this minibike is, if someone could tell me I would love it. So far the people I have talked to say Rupp, IDK.