Search results

  1. mad mark

    Pinstriping Noob

    i started pinstriping a little more then a few months ago. its pretty fun a little nerve wracking though. any other pinstripers on here? constructive criticism?:thumbsup: most recent. couple days ago: old one. i think this was only a month in: this is old too:
  2. mad mark

    5hp flathead governor bypassing?

    something is messed up with with all the crazy linkage on my briggs and after reading a few things was wondering if my engine will really grenade if i just bypass the governor? seems like some people said they left it on and just had linkage going straight to the carb and no problems. others...
  3. mad mark

    First Old Minibike! 69 Taco T100

    My friend picked this up with a 1970 CT70H last week from his bosses 90 year old neighbor who put them to the curb for some veterans donation pickup:blink:. He got them for free and only really wanted the CT as he has two others in pieces. super stoked about this little bike! always wanted a old...