
  1. 441

    How not to charge your iPhone 6.

    No Matter What the Internet Tells You, Do Not Stick Your New IPhone 6 in the Microwave | TheBlaze.com :doah::laugh:
  2. 5horsebriggs

    iphone shotgun mount

    any one no of any good ones that are cheap? i do alot of hunting with my dad and im getting a smart phone and i wanna be able to record my hunts, the only ones i can find are 50 bucks its going to be on a 12 guage mostly 3inch 2 shot but some 3 1/2 2 shot, :shrug:
  3. hemigremmy

    iPhone question?

    How do people take the screen shots on there iPhone of a conversation and then post them out on the sites like "damn you auto correct" and others. I have a conversation with my ex where she is refusing me time with my daughter and i need to print out the conversation so i have proof when ever we...
  4. minibikefreak

    oldminibikes.com should make a iphone ipod touch app

    im always on my iphone and i would love to go on this site everywhere i know i can go on it on safari but i think an app would be cool:shrug: