
  1. Iron Honky

    Ruttman wild goose trade

    Well started putting this beauty together. Made a trade with Peekster and now I'm loving it. Waiting on some parts for the grasshopper so I thought I'd start throwing some goodies on the predator I pick up yesterday for this. Gotta shave some paint off the throttle side of the bars to install...
  2. machinebike

    eye brow shave on 5 hp flathead

    Has anyone tried this and was a noticeable power increase or decrease felt?
  3. rgroves231

    Need to shave a shaft down!

    I have a 7hp tec that the shaft has a taper that goes from around 3/4 to like 13/16 and was wondering what is the easiest way to shave down the crank? I dont need to key it but i just need to have it all 3/4. I want to do something that involves me running the engine and holding a sharp object...