
  1. YOOP

    Uploading pictures to YOUTUBE

    Since the photo section on here is being worked on I've been looking into other alternatives to use. Stumbled on this on youtube.You can upload photos and create slideshows with different effects.Can't just view 1 pic you have to do a slideshow.Did this one with a car I just painted some parts...
  2. weldkingoc

    Uploading pics from smart phone

    Am i the only one that has a problem. My best luck uploading pics is on a PC which i rarely use. This site is so hard to share pics on using my phone that i have avoided using it all together! I like this site but dang! Simplify it a bit, when i try to upload photos from my phone it loads for...
  3. D

    Trade cat 400x Forks for Eliminator forks

    Iwl be uploading pics soon
  4. ole4

    Trouble uploading to my albums.

    Is anyone having issues trying to upload pictures? It stopped working yesterday but around the same time my internet has been running slower but still operational. Don't know if it is my end or OldMiniBikes. When I hit the button to upload it just sits there waiting for OldMiniBikes site and times out after a while.
  5. Fat Boy

    Photos not uploading

    I am trying to upload photos and site will not process them , Is anyone else having trouble ???
  6. Gunther

    Uploading Pictures

    Hey Guys, I'm trying to upload some of my pictures and I'm having some difficulty. My first picture uploaded with no problem but it seems that any others do not get uploaded. :confused: Anyone know what's going on or have any ideas? I'm not real great with computers so please be easy on me...