
  1. markus

    Bonanza vented fuel cap repair revisited

    couple of years ago I had made a vented guage gas cap similar to the original ones Bonanza used on the fiberglass tanks. This style cap is NLA, other styles that come close can be found but not with a vent you can close usually. The idea to modify the one I had came from the fact that the...
  2. middleoftheroad

    Tecumseh air filter backing plate.

    Looking for this Tecumseh air filter backing plate part # 30673 or # 30603. One version is offset, the other has straight mounting holes. I have a couple vented covers that work with this back plate. So, if you've got a extra back plate, I've got a cover for you.
  3. S

    Any idea what this tank is from?

    I just got this on eBay. It's 10" x 5 3/4. The fuel inlet is 1 3/4. I need to locate a cap for it. I'm not having much luck. It is the twist lock style of cap. Ideally I'd like a vented chrome cap.
  4. F

    Arctic SSSCat vented gas cap 2142-000

    Need a vented gas cap #2142-000, new or used (plastic dome unbroken) for a 1970 Arctic Cat SSSCat 1 (model #2200-02). Thanks.