I was just reading the yellow jacket build thread, and it said yellowhand passed away.. how many of our other members are no longer with us that we know of?
Theres a welder in here on OldMiniBikes who does awesome work.:thumbsup:
I like his custom springer's.:drool:
A Doodlebug will receive the springer if I gain one.
Theres a 5'' neck on the Doodlebug
I so much desire a set of YellowHand Springers. :freakout:
Donate? Sell? Barter/Trade?
Well Guys, I bought the late Yellowhands Lathe..
Im honestly a beginner:confused: Im slowing teaching myself and remembering some stuff Mark taught me on this very lathe from a few trips I made over to his house for him to help me.
I doubt I will ever be able to make the cool stuff he did...
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