These fenders were a test. they were completely covered in rust and were
beyond redemption for rechroming or polishing. my powder coater guy
cleaned, straightened them out best as possible, and, coated them with his
closest powder mix to bonanza blue. it is a bit darker. the half fender was
cut when i got it. the complete fender was twisted and bent, it is still bent
a little.
maybe someone can use them. $35 plus shipping seems like an ok price.
beyond redemption for rechroming or polishing. my powder coater guy
cleaned, straightened them out best as possible, and, coated them with his
closest powder mix to bonanza blue. it is a bit darker. the half fender was
cut when i got it. the complete fender was twisted and bent, it is still bent
a little.
maybe someone can use them. $35 plus shipping seems like an ok price.