About 3 hours riding today (pics of bikes)

I hope it's acceptable to post in this section,didn't think my post met the criteria for the other sections.

Met with a friend today and rode for about 3 hours today.Had a blast!

Mine is the Yerf dog 5hp Tecumseh(big tires). His is the other with a 4 hp Tecumseh(smaller tires).

We have no idea what make or model his 4 hp mini bike is.Anyone know?

Mine is quicker off the line and has more take off power. His is slower off the line,takes a while to build speed but when it does has a faster top speed than mine.

Any way to increase my top speed without damaging the engine?

Thanks for looking. :smile:

Your friend looks to have a Trail Sport TS500. I had 3 of them at one time, nice riders. You could install a smaller rear sprocket on the Yerf Dog for more top end, low end would be sacrificed though.