Best Paint Remover Sorta...


I have a couple of new scoots I've posted about in the US Vintage section trying to figure out exactly what I have. One, a Rupp apparently from 1969, has three layers of paint. I think the layer closest to metal is candy green. I'd like a paint remover that took the paint off in layers sorta so I can see if my old eyes are tricking me or not. I am not trying to save the paint. Rather, I'm just trying to see what is there. I am going to bare metal for sure to repaint.

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Well-Known Member
try some lacquer thinner or acetone on a rag to take the newest paint off to get to the original color if that's what your trying to do, more than likely cheap spray bomb paint over the factory color..
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A product made by Klean Strip named Aircraft Paint remover. This stuff works great. Need gloves , respirator and gogles. This stuff is toxic, works great.