bit off topic but deffo diff

Only a dollar! .. But ... shipping is $3,700!!! ... however it's in Нижний Новгород, so that makes sense ..
But .. with a feedback of only 6 ... hmmm ...
However he has some other cool bike stuff!!
Big red flags to me. Especially when you read location as "Russian Federation". The same folks who put out that virus that encrypted all my on-computer pics, and demanded money for the decrypt code.
Firetruck that, and firetruck them.

yeah i didnt see that 48 at first its very nice actually,
Ty for pointing that out @ sixpack.

and to Roger.
you do realize we are never gonna get anywheres if we keep labeling people as a whole for the crimes of a few.
let me be clear,those hackers actually work for the govt/putin.
this guy is some reg schmo like you and me just selling his junk.

labels =
all muslims are bad
all russians are bad
all americans are bad
see how shitty it can get?
how about,Labels are bad instead of people?