Correct spelling of...

I have been thinking about this and while I know how and when it was first spelled, I also concede that as some have stated so eloquently, we have invented a new word. It's obvious that "minibike" is "now" one word for all practical purposes.

We never said "mini cycle" or even "minicycle" when they came out. We said "80." (Hey, let's go ride the 80!) The terms mini cycle and midi cycle and overall adjectivation has been occurring since the "dumbing down" began which is about the same time as shop classes and Civics disappeared from our public schools. We can thank our advertisers, and our laziness.

Since everyone on the planet now seems to own a fancy cell phone and does "texts," imagine what some of our etymology is going to look like in fifty more years! Pfft. And we bitched about "ebonics." :laugh:
I guess "mini cycle" was also hyphenated for whatever purpose also. Hmm...interesting once you start looking into it. Seems all ways are used back in the day.
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Well-Known Member
Just because an advertisement from the back of an old comic book has a hyphen doesn't mean it's expressed correctly.

For instance... a mini-bike could be slang for a miniature bicycle. Most of us would know it is being used to describe a small motorized two-wheeled vehicle but a significant percentage of people in the world will interpret it differently. Bike has more than one meaning but it's usually short for bicycle. Notice the word "bicycle" isn't spelled "bi-cycle" for the same reason.

However, when spelled as minibike it creates a stronger identity. It's no longer a conjunction containing an adjective and a noun. It's an entirely unique noun with only one meaning.

If you still don't believe me go look it up in a dictionary.

1st type the word "minibike" and see what comes up.

Then type "mini-bike" and see what comes up. | Meanings and Definitions of Words at

I rest my case. :wink:
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Thank you all for providing this research to answer my question. Our generation invented this machine of such great pleasure and it is a new product worthy of a new identity...Minibike. A product of our generation so, I shall engrave it as one word.