Back in the late 60"s - mid 70"s there was a store / storefront that was filled with minibikes for sale. I believe it was on Woodward Ave. between 8 mile - south to 6 mile - on the east side of the street ? Also believe there was a "Flagg Brothers" shoe store just down the street on the same side of the road as well ? Why am I asking this - cause it has haunted me for many years, as I remember staring in that window looking at those Ruttmans and Lil' Indians wishing I had enough money to buy one and that my Dad would let me if I did. What I am hoping for - is that someone from my hometown may have a picture of this place from that era ( kinda like the old time pictures of Schwinn Shops with all the Stingrays and Krates lined up) and if this is not possible - at least the name of the place so I can say I have one small thing off my bucket list. I truly appreciate any help anyone can give me ! You can answer this post or PM me - Thank you !