do people ever underestimate your bike

I have more people hop on my bike and either crash or whiskey throttle it .i mean its entertaining for me but i warn people i tell them dont grab full throttle roll in real easy and cruise away next thing i know they're doing one of the coolest unintentional wheelies ive ever seen most wont go anywhere near it after im not the only one rite
If I thought someone was going to crash one of my bikes, I certainly wouldn't let them ride them. I like them far too much to risk that. I also have a lot of time and money invested so I make damn well sure that whomever is riding one knows what they are doing.

With that said, I let me girlfriend ride one of my bikes while it was still in "test" mode. Basically I didn't have the throttle cable hooked up perfectly, so when you twisted the throttle it wouldn't engage until it was almost twisted all the way. Long story short, she popped 3 wheelies in about 15 feet, turned around and brought it straight back to me. It was pretty funny, but she was a little gun shy after the fact. Now the bike is dialed in and she rides it like a champ.
Well the bike im referring to is a doodlebug and a motovox that I ride to work so coworkers are constantly bugging me to ride which ever bike i ride to work so what if i play it off that thier just lawn mower engines
You are not alone. My buddies and I have about 10 bikes all together and when we first got them, guest riders definitely crashed. One of our friends crashed into a car. A friend throttled mine into a wall and broke the front fork. Another fried ate it and got road rash... The list goes on. I always tell a new rider to lean forward and be easy on the gas till it gets going. Very entertaining.
I was that kid 40 years ago..I was 9 so does it count? Bobby Bilitho had a 5hp ruttman...I floored it.... fish tailed down the alley. right through the garage you should have seen the big kids run...
Yeah. A couple of my friends have wheelied themselves right off the back. I give them the whole speech before they ride it, and they do it anyway, so screw it. They learn after one good oopsie.