For $100,000 You Could Be "The Fonz"

Fun fact: Henry Winkler couldn't ride a motorcycle at all. In the opening credits of the show where they show him riding the bike, he ended up crashing it into a pile of hay bales (off camera of course)
It's on the right side in the photo at the top of the thread.
On one of the episodes the Fonz was exonerated in court because he was falsely accused of stealing a purse. Fonz's bike had throttle on left side but offending bike had reg throttle on right side. Purse stolen with left hand or something.
So Fonz didn't do it yay let's go to Arnold's!

Wait maybe it wasn't Fonzie's bike now that I think of it. Could have been a different bike.
My bad!


Active Member
I remember watching a interview and he didn't even know how to ride in fact he laid the bike down when filming the intro.
I watch happy days every week night on meTV ch 196 @ 9pm
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