From Vaughn, Washington

Hi there. I'm just relaxing at home, laying around from surgery. I stepped on my son's skateboard while go karting and tore my patellar tendon. Now I'm sitting around looking at all your nice projects wishing I had something to do. I got involved with small engines a few months ago.
It all started on Craigslist. I traded some guns for a kart, Here it is! - DIY Go Kart Forum
and then I was in business. I ordered a 6.5hp clone and picked up an 8 hp B&S Now I just need a mini-bike frame.
I'll just pull the Briggs 2.5hp from the cart and use it for the minibike. I'll utilize a foot long water pipe for the exhaust, disable the gov and make the filter intake less restrictive.
I'll get about 8-9hp out of the clone by installing a billet flywheel, drilling bigger jets into the carb, removing the gov and installing a header.(and by using this guide)
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Welcome to the forum and the home of thousands of unfinished dreams and projects.
A place to show and tell, learn and teach the forum has lots of help when needed. So heal fast summer is on the way. Steve :scooter: