Heald Wiki Page Help ... Chatten63, Docdc, knowledgable people ...

I would like to start a Wiki page on Healds.

How should it be titled?

Kits by Heald?

While my thought is the VT bikes they did make haulers, trikes ect.

Is there a better name to title it?

As I understand it once its written it can be re-written by anyone to correct misinformation.

For those wondering what a Wiki Mini Bike page looks like here is on titled "Rupp Industries"

And I encourage anyone to start a brand specific mini bike page that hasn't been done yet.
Bonanza for instance does not have a page ...

To the knowledgeable ones on this board it would be really nice to see you share what you have learned over a lifetime before you shuffle off this mortal coil.

:doah:This what OldMiniBikes Is for. Why spend time on some other website?
Nice thought .. I too am an OldMiniBikes fan and supporting member ... but this site doesn't have anything close to a wiki page of permanent information.
As an example look up information on Rupp Industries here, then go to the Wiki page.

Our knowledge is spread over numerous people who may or may not answer or even be alive tomorrow.

I am all for anything that will keep a permanent, accessible record for anyone seeking information.

Fistfullabar, if there is something better lets make it happen.

:doah:This what OldMiniBikes Is for. Why spend time on some other website?
I think that Wiki and this forum both serve a purpose. Whereas Wiki provides an all encompassing historical timeline, OldMiniBikes provides the technical minutia. Both are important and both provide a service. Sixpac's idea isn't so far fetched.

Another thought is that the exposure on Wiki just may draw more people into the hobby.

Just my thoughts.



Well-Known Member
Sorry guys i like "keeping the info here" wikki is just info it can be "historic" but can also be messed with. I like that all mini bike info ends on a road called "OldMiniBikes" where the trail to fun begins....
You can add a Wiki to the vbulletin forum software. We used an internal wiki setup at a company I used to work for and it allowed every user to add and update information. The beauty of it was that when something was updated, it also published who updated it.

I think this is a great idea, maybe Hent could look into it and see what he thinks? I love that Rupp Industries wiki.

Major Additions - VaultWiki Lite 4.x: Wiki for vBulletin Forums - vBulletin.org Forum
You can add a Wiki to the vbulletin forum software. We used an internal wiki setup at a company I used to work for and it allowed every user to add and update information. The beauty of it was that when something was updated, it also published who updated it.

I think this is a great idea, maybe Hent could look into it and see what he thinks? I love that Rupp Industries wiki.

Major Additions - VaultWiki Lite 4.x: Wiki for vBulletin Forums - vBulletin.org Forum
Wow, that really is a great idea!!
What do you think Hent, is this doable?