Hot and humid here in the Philippines


Active Member
I have been here in the Philippines for a few weeks and everyone rides small motorcycles, mostly Honda 100cc's. I am having some minor tuneup work done, to return the favor to the relatives that are loaning me the bikes. A valve adjustment costs less than a dollar. Also only a dollar for labor on a carb rebuild. The carb rebuild kit parts were two dollars. The closest thing to a minibike that I have seen here is a couple of Yamaha Chappy's.

A liter of Red Horse beer, which is 7% alcohol, is a little over a dollar. No one wears helmets and drunk driving is not an issue here. Fortunately, I am still alive. Life is good.

I cannot wait to get back to cooler, drier weather in a few days.
Oh, It's not that hot there? A few weeks there is ok, but try 8 and a half years there. That's what I did. Wait until the Monsoon season comes. Tons of rain. Have you had any San Miguel beer yet? :drinkup: Are you in Manila? Oh, have a taste of the Balute there, its real good. :no::xomunch: Or how about some mangos? :thumbsup: Or maybe some Lumpia? :thumbsup: :drool: Enjoy yourself! :thumbsup: :cool2: :biggrin:
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New Member
Oh, It's not that hot there? A few weeks there is ok, but try 8 and a half years there. That's what I did. Wait until the Monsoon season comes. Tons of rain. Have you had any San Miguel beer yet? :drinkup: Are you in Manila? Oh, have a taste of the Balute there, its real good. :no::xomunch: Or how about some mangos? :thumbsup: Or maybe some Lumpia? :thumbsup: :drool: Enjoy yourself! :thumbsup: :cool2: :biggrin:
ezdoes it. you sure know your flip stuff. you named off some good stuff. unless your flip, not a lot of people would know what your talking about, especially the balute (half born duck in a egg ) . i was from manila.
ezdoes it. you sure know your flip stuff. you named off some good stuff. unless your flip, not a lot of people would know what your talking about, especially the balute (half born duck in a egg ) . i was from manila.
Yeah, that balute, I ate it one time and almost chocked to death, but I didn't care, I had a glass of Tuba, I'm sure you heard of that. I got so darn drunk on that stuff, I think I would have probably jumped off the empire state building. I had a hang over for 2 days. Never touched that Tuba stuff again. Now San Miguel, I had so much of that stuff. How about when ya pop a top on one and it smells like a skunk, mmmm, real frikin good. Or the WWII trucks that they load up so high with sugar cane. Have you ever heard of Angeles City, or Mabalokite. A lot of nice women there. I had better stop. Edwin, check out my Milk Crate Racer Thread! . :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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