Is the Monster/Mega Moto 212 a thing of the past?

I have been scouring the interweb for mini bike stuff for the last several weeks. The toughest looking mini bike in my opinion is the Monster/Mega Moto 212. However, it seems that the only place you can get a Mega Moto 212 is from GoPowerSports. And even then, it seems that stock is limited. As I mentioned in a previous post, I did buy one of those engine-less kits. The kit is a "Premium" package and sells for $549 (plus $70 shipping). I am wondering if the warehouse will soon be empty of any Mega Moto 212 kits.
Today, I noticed that the Coleman RB200/RT200 frame is very similar to the Moto 212.
It appears that Monster/Mega Moto as a company has gone the way of the Dodo bird.

Any experienced Monster/Mega Moto 212 folks on this forum who will let me know about their Mega Moto 212 experiences and thoughts?