little site update


New Member
well, i finally got the header in. i slacked long enough :helpsmilie:(if you dont see it, press CTRL+F5 to clear your cache)

the little image in the banner will now rotate as the month changes.. it'll be the minibike of the month winner

so, let me know what you think, and if there is anything wrong with the rest of the site ( i made some template changes with the control panel and such) I tested it firefox, ie, and firefox for linux and all looked great :eek:nline2long:

i'm thinking of having the logo printed on some shirts/stickers.. so let me know if you'd be interested in purchasing one and i'll be able to step it up with that!

I also have a copy of the banner image for you guys to put on your own sites, blogs, myspace page, signatures on other sites, etc

just copy whats in the code box and paste away:

code for websites:
<a href="">
<img src="" border="0">
and what you get will look like this
