Manco Dingo Deluxe Buggy???

For sale near me on CL for way too much. Never heard or seen a dingo deluxe....just a regular dingo. Anyone know anything about it?
Says it has a 12hp with electric start.

Looks quite capable off road, unlike Yerf Dogs and Murray karts. The original Dingo was a formidable machine, I had a place at Ft.Cobb where there is nothing but sand and my old Dingo would go anywhere. I miss that kart but they only further compress my spine so I stay off em these days. Mine was black with Gold 6" MANCO wheels up front and 8" steels with balloon tires, the seat was padded well and it would do some serious jumps.:thumbsup:
looks way better built than yerfs. that is easily a 1200 dollar kart IMO

but yeah im cheap too, wouldnt pay that much but its probably actually worth it to someone who cant build their own
Im the one selling it. Its a buggy. Rare. Can't find them anywhere. Its pretty close to the size of my vw rabbit. You can take it on the dunnes. Its quick. The only one I found was close to 4500. But it had a bigger motor. On that video that was posted was the same one we have.