No animated avatars?

Yeah, before I settled on the car I had a few animated ones line up but you have to downsize them and it doesn't take. Over at my board we're always changing our avitars to crack each other up but the board downloads automatically. :doah:


Well-Known Member
This is definitely new unless I snuck my other avatar in on a board glitch or something. The thing that mixed me up is the 80x80 pixel or 1.00mb limit. There's almost no way to make an 80x80 pixel image as large as 1.00mb without it being an animated gif.

Too bad because I made a really cool one last night that is about 55 frames, 64 colors, and only 100kb.

Hent? You out there? :wink:


Well-Known Member
Sweet! You rock! Thanks! :thumbsup:

Not that its cool to anyone but anime fans, but still.....gotta put that computer graphics training to use somehow. :biggrin:
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